

There was a connection issue while completing missions and I no longer see previously entered prices on submitted missions. 


Environment : 

Missions App 


Client Solution:  

1.    Click the mission that is no longer displaying completed prices 

2.    Scroll to the bottom of the page > Click “Additional Options” > click “Recall Prices 

3.    The following page will ask if you wish to continue, Click “OK 

4.    Missions App will now synchronize your previously entered data within the mission > the items will populate 

5.    If your items do no populate after completing steps 1- 4, proceed to next step. 

6.    Troubleshoot your network by disconnecting and reconnecting to your current WiFi > reload mission within the Missions app to look for missing items  

7.    If reconnecting to WiFi network was unsuccessful, get to a secure network location > connect to your cellphone’s data > reload missing items  

8.    If neither options above successfully loaded your missing items, please proceed to next step 

9.    Logout of the Missions app by clicking the = icon at the top left of the Missions App

10.    Click on the face icon to the left of your name > click “Logout” at the bottom of the page.  

11.    Force close Missions App > power-cycle/restart cellular device > click on and sign into the            Missions app

12.    Select mission with the missing prices > look for the missing prices to appear