
1. New OKTA login option 

2. When GS1 Barcodes are scanned, the SKU field now automatically changes to GS1 + UI adjustments for more streamlined PLUS scans 

3. Scanner email exports will now include Store ids, Store name, City, State and Export time

4. Scanner email exports will be sent to the new inbox setup: scansubmissions@engage3.com

5. Successfully populates item size and UOM in the description field

6.  'No price' toggle added 


1. Better scanning of PLU barcodes with high resolution optimizations for scanner

2. The ‘Clear Current Store Data’ now clears count of items and store name as well and fixes relogging leftover data

3. Downloads will be in chronological order

4. Location search on assigned missions fix 

5. When user enters wrong password, the error is handled better 

6. Better handling when an item is scanned again with freeze fixes and first scan improvements 

7. Scanner date picker will not accept previous year dates and verify date entered 

8. Description field inconsistency fixes, copy price improvements - fixes to search glitches for location and store 

9. Google SDK updates